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Info Advantage has been serving the Upstate New York area since 1993 , providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Statistics Show Your Employees Might Be Mishandling Your Company Data

Statistics Show Your Employees Might Be Mishandling Your Company Data


How safe is your company’s data? According to a new survey released by tech giant Dell, there’s a large chance that it’s not very secure at all. The statistics revealed by the survey are dismaying, with the survey’s key finding was that 35 percent of employees report that it’s common practice to take proprietary company information when leaving their firm.

As bad as that is, the rest of the statistics in Dell’s survey were even worse. About 36 percent of employees regularly open emails from unknown, untrusted sources, making them extremely susceptible to threats such as phishing attacks.

Forty-five percent of employees admit to engaging in behaviors they know to be unsafe from a cybersecurity standpoint, including; using personal email accounts for work, misplacing company-issued devices and connecting to public WiFi to access confidential or proprietary information.

In addition, 72 percent of employees reported being willing to share proprietary, sensitive or confidential information under certain circumstances.

All of this paints a stark picture of a problem with no easy solution. The old saying is true; your employees are your greatest asset, and also your company’s biggest threat.

It’s easy, for example, to say that better employee education is the answer. While the exact scope and scale of the problem may not have been known before, it’s certainly no secret that phishing attacks aimed at rank and file employees have been a longstanding problem. To this point, few companies have bothered to attempt to better educate their employees.

Worse, the few that have haven’t seen much of an improvement.

In a similar vein, it would be easy to make the blanket statement that having a robust data policy in place would go a long way toward alleviating the problem. However, talking about it and actually developing and implementing such a policy has, at least to this point, proven to be a daunting undertaking.


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Moving Your Office? Make Sure Your Tech Can Handle It First

Moving your office is a difficult task. Moving furniture, personal objects, and technology can be a hassle that you don’t even want to think about. There’s nothing easy about moving your office’s technology to a new location, and we’re not going to let you do it alone!

For reference, let’s examine the technology that you’re currently using in your office. You probably have plenty of workstations; one for each employee, and some spares just in case something happens. These workstations need to be connected to your business’s network so that users can access mission-critical software, crucial information systems, and other important resources. A cabling infrastructure can quickly grow uncontrollable, especially if you’re not practicing proper cabling procedures.

Another problem that often comes up is the task of equipping your team with the right communications solutions. Setting up phone lines for each of your employees can be challenging, and you often need to consult both your budget and your organization’s floor plans in order to adjust for growth. There’s no better time to plan for the future and ensure that you can add or remove phone users as needed, than when you move to a new building.

Then, there’s the topic that you might not even want to think about; moving your physical files. Lugging around heavy and unwieldy filing cabinets can be a pain in the neck. You should be asking yourself if you’re willing to forsake physical file storage in favor of a digital file storage format. You also need to consider which files you absolutely need to keep, and which ones you can do without. It’s imperative that you perform a full assessment of your business’s current assets, paper or otherwise, and ensure that you take only what you need. Doing so can lessen the burden of moving your office. Be certain to shred any outdated files that contain sensitive information before disposing of them.

Info Advantage can assist your business with solutions specifically designed to increase mobility and communications in the workplace; many of which can make your move easier and improve operations.

  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): With VoIP, your business can take advantage of telephony communication from anywhere with an Internet connection. Since the only connection you need is your network, you can avoid the complex cabling required for landline telephone systems. You just need to keep a close eye on your network resources and ensure that your bandwidth is enough to handle the quantity of calls. Info Advantage can assist you with both a network assessment and the implementation of your chosen VoIP system.
  • The cloud and virtualization: Delegating information to your entire workforce can be challenging, but with cloud computing, it’s as simple as providing access to the Internet. Your employees can access software, data, and other important information through the cloud, all wirelessly without the need for intensive cabling. As long as your team has an Internet connection, they can use WiFi to connect to the cloud and access critical information. This allows for anytime, anywhere access.
  • Electronic records storage: If your organization is having trouble with file storage, Info Advantage can equip your business with a solution that’s designed to help you eliminate unnecessary physical file storage systems in the office. Instead, you can store your files in a digital, compliant space, that’s optimized for your file’s security. Since your files will be stored digitally and protected with data backup and such, you’ll be able to quickly get back up to speed without the frustration of digging through bulky filing cabinets.

Moving your office is a great reason to start fresh with your technology solutions. To get started, give Info Advantage a call at (585) 254-8710.

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3 Steps to Keeping Your Servers Maintained Properly

3 Steps to Keeping Your Servers Maintained Properly

Servers are the backbone of many businesses, as it is responsible for the communication and the exchanging of data. Since there is so much relying on servers to run properly, it is imperative to keep them well-maintained to ensure that business will not be interrupted. Here are a few steps businesses can follow to make sure your servers will continue to run without any issues.

Backup Your Data

Regular back up is the first and arguably the most important step of server maintenance. In the case of disaster, such as server failure or a cyber-attack, backup can be used in order to restore your data with little to no downtime needed. Experts suggest that you do multiple backups, making sure to keep at least one outside of your business or network. One of the easiest and safest ways to keep your data backup safe is to use a cloud service, which can be maintained and connected to from anywhere that you can connect to the web. Along with data, it’s also recommended to backup any device drivers, along with the network configuration. This will make it much easier to restore your server in case of failure.

The Right Environment

If you have physical servers, you’re going to need to make sure you have the right environment. Your servers should be in a separate, air-conditioned room. This will ensure that they do not overheat, and that the noise won’t disrupt your employees. It’s suggested to clean the servers, and all of the removable media drives, on a regular basis. Keeping them clear of dust will help keep your servers running at their best condition and running properly.


Keep Everything Updated

An upgrade or patch may be the one thing that keeps your severs safe from malicious attacks. Make sure to keep a careful eye on any new updates, and make sure that everything is up-to-date. In addition to upgrades, make sure you keep all of the other systems that keep your server running smoothly. Experts suggest that businesses should check their security systems, server utilization, and user accounts frequently to make sure there aren’t any issues. In addition, it’s recommended to change any passwords you may use every 6 to 12 months.

Having trouble keeping your servers maintained properly? Call Info Advantage at (585) 254-8710 today to talk to a specialist about the best solution for your business.

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Your Employees May Accidently Be Mishandling Your Company Data

Your Employees May Accidently Be Mishandling Your Company Data
While it’s good for a company to have trust in their employees, turning a blind eye to their practices may result in the mishandling of sensitive business data. According to a recent survey by MediaPro, nearly 90% of employees lack the proper security and privacy knowledge needed to successfully manage a business. A majority of employees see themselves as a novice when it comes to security issues, and are unsure of the proper way to identify and dispose of potential threats. What might cause an employee to mishandle a company’s information? Another study by CEB suggests that convenience might be a major cause. Roughly two thirds of the study participants admitted that they regularly send company data to personal email addresses so they may be able to work from home. While an email from work might seem like a secure connection, there are a multitude of different threats that can lurk outside your company’s network. Employee leniency of security issues may stem from a more wide-spread reliance on cloud-based solutions and mobile device use for work. Employees may believe that the software or device they are using is secure, when in reality there are plenty of opportunities to leak data. Something as simple as connecting to a public Wi-Fi on a mobile device could lead to major data loss. There are a few ways companies can help strengthen employee security protocol. Provide your employees with education on digital security and how to keep company data. Frequent surveillance of employee security practices can help find any potential areas of data leakage, and can help a company develop a comprehensive set of security protocols. If you are worried about whether or not your employees are keeping your data safe, contact Info Advantage today at (585) 254-8710 and let us help. Our qualified staff will survey your current security system and make suggestions based on your company’s needs and goals.
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3 Exercises to Offset the Pain of Working From a Desk

3 Exercises to Offset the Pain of Working From a Desk

Welp, we’re all doomed. It turns out that sitting all day at your desk is one of the worst things you can do for your health. Alternatively, numerous studies have shown the health benefits of trading your traditional desk in for a standing desk. One study even goes so far as to claim that standing at work is the best anti-aging technique you can do!

This standing/anti-aging study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. It links aging with the chromosome “telomeres” that protects one’s genetic code. This chromosome shortens when a person sits, and lengthens when a person stands. Longer telomeres are better at protecting genetic code by keeping it from wearing and tearing, whereas shorter telomere have been linked to premature aging.

The study even makes the claim that standing is better than exercise, seeing that exercise doesn’t have any impact on telomere length. In fact, a top medic from the study claims that, “Standing up for three hours a day is the same as ten marathons.” Scientific research like this is groundbreaking for anybody trying to live longer by dieting and exercising.

To further make our case against sitting at a desk all day, consider these statistics from the Harvard Business Review:

  • As we work, we sit more than we do anything else. The average person sits for 9.3 hours a day, compared to 7.7 hours of sleeping.
  • After one hour of sitting, the production of enzymes that burn fat declines by as much as 90 percent. Extended sitting slows the body’s metabolism affecting things like HDL levels in our bodies (good cholesterol).
  • Research shows that this lack of physical activity is directly tied to 6 percent of the impact for heart diseases, 7 percent for type 2 diabetes, and 10 percent for breast cancer or colon cancer.

In the biggest blow to the practice of sitting at a desk, further research shows that if you sit for more than 23 hours a week, you are 64 percent more likely to die from a heart attack.

What’s a health-conscious office worker to do? If you’re able to switch to a standing desk, then this simple move may literally add years to your life. Another helpful activity you can do to somewhat offset the negative health effects of sitting is to incorporate regular stretching exercises into your daily routine. To help you out, here are three easy exercises that virtually anybody can do.

Get Down and Stretch
Get down on all fours and slowly rock back and forth. When rocking back, your hips should move down towards your feet, and make sure to extend your back across the lower portion of your spine. Also, make sure to relax the stretch when returning to the forward position. If you’d like to make the stretch more impactful, nod your head as you rock, bringing your chin to and from your chest.

Roll Around on the Ground
Start by lying on your stomach and then lift your arms above your head. Next, lift your arms and use their weight to roll over a few times on each side. Make sure you’re using the weight of your arm to roll, instead of using the ground to push yourself over.

The Benefits of Crawling
It’s surprising that something so basic as crawling can double as such a good exercise. When crawling on all fours for exercise purposes, be sure to move your hips as much as possible. At the same time, stretch your neck by turning your head from side to side while moving backward.

Between standing and stretching, you may be able to offset the damage done from years of sitting. What about you? Would you identify as someone who spends way too many hours sitting on your keister? Have we convinced you to sit less and stand more? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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Is Unplugging From Technology a Good Idea While On Vacation?

Is Unplugging From Technology a Good Idea While On Vacation?

Vacations are an important part of maintaining one’s sanity, especially if you’re a business owner. However, unless you have a reliable staff that can handle the management of your business, chances are that you might feel like you can’t get away from the office long enough to relax. While it might seem tempting to disconnect yourself from the office entirely while on vacation, it’s actually better for your business if you don’t.

Consider this: your employees encounter a major issue that only you can resolve, but they have no way to contact you while you’re out of the office. If this happens, progress can be hindered and you’ll come back to one catastrophe after another. This is why completely disconnecting from the office can be a bad idea. In order to keep your business healthy and functioning, even while you’re out of the office on vacation, consider using these strategies to stay connected to your team.

  • Check your email once a day. It’s easy to check your email when you’re in the office; you might have a tab up on a monitor with your email open all day. However, while you’re on vacation, this could mean sitting on the beach with your smartphone. If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, you should limit yourself to checking email once a day, and only respond to immediate and important inquiries. Not everything is a priority, and you should be able to determine the immediacy of a task or request. Plus, by dealing with these issues without them all piling up, you make your return to the office easier.
  • Set boundaries for your availability. If you’re concerned about your employees bugging you while you’re on vacation, make sure that they know when you’re available. You should try to limit yourself as much as possible (considering you’re still on vacation); perhaps an hour in the morning or afternoon would be best. You can use this time to check in with the office and ensure that operations are proceeding forward as intended. You can then get back to enjoying your vacation.
  • Establish a clear chain of command in your absence. Leadership is an important part of being a business owner, so it’s your responsibility to make sure your employees have someone to look to for guidance in your absence. In fact, having a clear chain of command even while you’re in the office can be a great benefit. This helps your team stay organized, and can make the delegation of issues and responsibilities easier in the long run. If you have someone you can rely on to handle any issues that surface while you’re away, your vacation will be that much sweeter.

By using these three tips to your advantage, your business will be in much better shape while you’re away on vacation. This means that you can enjoy your time off, without worrying about whether or not your business will be standing when you return to the office. For more great tips and tricks, be sure to subscribe to Info Advantage’s blog.

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